Year: 2013
Rated: R
Rating: * * Stars
Cast: Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston, Emma Roberts
In terms of summer movies, August always seems to be the
month when the most inferior products are put out. We're the Millers
(the film I'm reviewing) is no exception. Masquerading as a laugh out loud
comedy and coming off as only mildly amusing, "Millers" tells the
story of David Burke (played by Jason Sudeikis who channels his inner Vince
Vaughn), a "man child" pot dealer who after trying to help a young
homeless girl in distress, gets robbed of all his drugs and money (his bosses
drugs/money as well). He then becomes indebted to his wealthy drug
lord/longtime college friend Brad Gurdlinger (played by Ed Helms who with a certain
goofiness, give the film's best performance) for at least $40,000. In order for
David to save his own life, he must get across the Mexican border and do a
massive drug deal for Brad. If he succeeds in this task, he will pocket
$100,000 for himself, his debt will be forgiven, and he'll go on to live
another day. One problem: being searched for drugs at the border. Brad's
solution: hire a fake family to make it look less suspicious while smuggling
the merchandise back into the states (Helm's character states that it is just a
smidge of pot, yeah right). In hindsight, this sounds like an interesting
premise for a movie. It's just too bad that We're the Millers fails to
satisfy. Yeah, it does seem original enough, but in the end, what you get is a
borderline, lousy road comedy that may force you to chuckle a few times here
and there. Why? Because you probably paid $10 and felt obligated to get the
most out your summer movie going experience (the audience that I sat with in
the theater echoed this sentiment, you could tell).

One of the bright spots (along with Helms of course)
however, is the addition of the fake son for David's fake family. His name is
Kenny and he is played by the innocent looking, bright eyed British actor, Will
Poulter. Does he give the greatest performance in world? Not exactly. But he
looks and fits the part perfectly and becomes the only character you could root
for, or even like (barely mind you).
In conclusion, We're the Millers projects itself as
crass, rude, and for the most part, unfunny. With a lead actor that lacks solid
comedic chops and a script that feels tired and all too familiar, it's an exercise
you'd be better off staying away from (if you do choose to view this flick,
avoid the outtakes at the end. They're worse than the film itself). In the last
sequence of "Millers", the supposed fake family goes into a witness
protection program. Let me put it this way, I'm glad I'm not their next door
Written by Jesse Burleson
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