Year: 2014
Rated PG-13
Rating: * * * Stars
Cast: Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Ray Winstone, Emma Watson
If I knew I was going into the theater to watch a bunch of huge, robotic rock caricatures roam the Earth, I'd probably avoid buying a ticket. But I stuck around to experience some good old fashioned fire and brimstone. So without further adieu, I give you the latest biblical release to filter into multiplexes all across the country this March. Ah, let there be Noah!
Darren Aronofsky directs and whether or not you believe in his vision being complete hooey, is hearsay. Noah's visuals, said director, and the actors offer to make you think otherwise. Now granted, all of the factors just mentioned, are combined to sell you the audience, every scene in its 2 hour plus running time. Why? To make you believe that this is actually how it went down.
Along with subjugating an interesting slant on the Old Testament, Noah also has the luxury of having one of the world's finest movie moguls playing the title character. As God's handily chosen one, Russell Crowe delivers an assured, brilliant performance. He's the go-to thespian for anything biblical or for a better word, historical. His ultimate weapon is his voice. Mr. Crowe undoubtedly has to have one of the greatest acting voices in the history of cinema. I mean I would literally pay this guy to just sit down and read a menu, or a phone book, or heck, even the ingredients on a can of soup. As expected, he is perfectly cast which is another way of saying that there's no other actor who could inhabit this role (expect for maybe the late, great Charlton Heston). And thankfully, he's backed up by a surrounding group of supporting players that almost never hit a false note.

Basically Aronofsky's Noah isn't perfect because it establishes characters and situations without a lot of buildup. Things tend to drag a bit especially in the first hour. Added to that, Noah throughout has a fumbled structure with small portions of incoherency. Finally, I felt at times like I was watching Crowe in Gladiator mode (how did Noah learn to fight so well) or taking in scenes filtered right out of 2007's Transformers. Oh yeah and there were times where I thought I was trapped in the world of Lord of the Rings (it's a scene where evil soldiers are trying to get into the ark which is barricaded by the rock creatures mentioned in the first paragraph). Anyway in spite of all this, Noah gets by when the proceedings come down like a sledgehammer in the third and final act. In fact, Noah excels in this act the most when all the animals and humans are already tucked away safely in the ark. The film then gets some legs as it prepares you for a supremely dark detour that you are about to take as an audience member.
Bottom line: Aronofsky's direction although skewed, is brilliant and unique. I'm proud of his effort even though it's a little kooky in a way that might dissuade your average churchgoing type. Yes, this March release has flaws but it succeeds by not playing it safe. It's one of those movies where if you think you know where things are headed, you might just be wrong in your assessment. To end this review, I'll leave you with this interesting factoid: according to Aronofsky's harrowing vision, there is one scene taking place near the film's conclusion, who's outcome cements itself to be the reason why all of us humans still exist. Well all I have to say is thank God for that (no pun intended)!
Written by Jesse Burleson
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