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Saturday, February 1, 2025

Flight Risk 2025 * * Stars


2025's Flight Risk is basically helmer Mel Gibson giving the middle finger to the notion of praxis. I mean if Oliver Stone can take a break from making historical epics to do U Turn and Savages then why not. With "Risk", Gibson knows where to thrust his camera but he's clearly on holiday, what with all the aviator schlock and cockpit chaos that's clearly not based on a true story. "I'm gonna enjoy this". Good for you dude. Good 4 you. 

Made on a pretty miserly budget ($25 mil) and featuring star Mark Wahlberg sporting a bogus, bald head (at least that's what I thought), Flight Risk could have been a lean and mean thriller about psycho pilots, rattled U.S. Marshals, and transported passengers. Instead we get a sloppy B-movie only made sloppier by Wahlberg hamming it up, co-star Michelle Dockery mugging to the lens, and co-star Topher Grace acting like well, Topher Grace. 

"Risk", well it feels like an action spoof and/or action-packed SNL skit more than anything else, blurring the lines of hasty design and searching for a sure-fire congruence. I'm thinking mad Mel looked at dailies in the editing room and thought, "oh bummer". 

So yeah, you want a childish script penned by "Risk's" rookie writer Jared Rosenberg? I didn't think so. There's only so many poop, urine, and innuendo jokes a viewer can take. You want some faceless voices doing bad acting over the plane intercom in moments of peril? Uh, neither do I. You want Gibson's penchant for grisly violence and nasty barbarity? I mean sure, why not. That's the highlight even if it's in fits and starts. Finally, do you want me to recommend Flight Risk so I can take a little mercy on all January junk releases? Can't do it. That ain't my "flight of fancy". Natch.  

Written by Jesse Burleson

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