"He's been killing people, without ever touching them". Uh, that doesn't sound creepy at all. Anyone reminded of a voodoo doll, or an effigy? Ugh.
Anyway 2022's The Good Nurse has been designated by its wiki page as a thriller. I mean I wouldn't go that far considering a thriller has to you know, thrill. "Nurse's" story, well it's a true one, played out in par for the course, mundane fashion. It's something about a caregiver who was accused of killing a ton of hospital patients without any known motive (what?). Eddie Redmayne stars as said caregiver Charlie Cullen and gives a rather numbing, unsettled performance. Jessica Chastain, well she matches him as protagonist Amy Loughren, a colleague nurse who tries to whistle-blow Charlie for his deadly shenanigans in the good old infirmary. "Yeah, her death, it was sudden". Right O chap. Right O.
Distributed by Netflix with random musical score interludes by Biosphere (never heard of these guys before, have you?), The Good Nurse has Danish helmer Tobias Lindholm letting every scene play out in frame as opposed to just freewheeling and/or hotdogging with the camera. His look is darkly-lit, his shots mostly wide-s and/or close-ups, his characters cold and indifferent. Yeah Lindholm can direct but seems hellbent on not beguiling his audience. His "Nurse" feels like David Fincher fare but sadly minus any enigma or uh, power to rivet.
Take heed though because The Good Nurse has solid acting and a decent psychobabble, medicine man script, even if sometimes you the viewer feel the need to throw things at the screen via the flick's glacial pace and overt, lack of suspense. I mean if you wanna be sent away with your knees knocking well "Nurse" probably won't get the job done. I don't know, maybe the similar-themed Coma from 1978 will. Common "good".
Written by Jesse Burleson
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